Senior Citizen Health Insurance

Senior Citizen Health Insurance Singapore

Aging brings several illnesses that can be expensive to treat. this is why senior citizen health insurance is important. The health insurance covers the medical expenses which give you peace of mind. Without health insurance, it can be stressful to manage medical bills. Sometimes the bills can be too high which can force you to ask help from family members and friends. To avoid this problem, you can consider having senior citizen health insurance.

Some hospitals are cashless. With health insurance, you will be able to access medical and treatment services. Health insurance cover illnesses such as cancer, stroke, and diabetes, among many others. You need to check the insurance package before you start paying for the premiums. Ensure that the cover is exclusive of the old age-related diseases.  


  • It is a convenient and smooth way of claiming payments and paying in cashless hospitals. Especially in an emergency, the insurance will come in handy. You may not have always money to take care of the emergency health expenses. With health insurance, your loved one is covered and can access treatment services anytime.
  • Reduces the hospitalization expenses. If you have health insurance, you will always end up paying less as compared to the person without health insurance.
  • Health insurance comes with the ambulance cover. You do not have to worry about how to transport the elderly to the hospital. An ambulance is the best mode of transporting the elderly to the hospital and back home.
  • Pre-existing illnesses can be covered in health insurance. Health insurance for the elderly can be customized depending on what ailments you would like to cover. Visit the nearest health insurance provider and discuss it with the professionals on the best package to subscribe.

How to Choose Senior Citizen Health Insurance

Buying a health insurance policy should be done carefully to avoid future complications. Give the elderly maximum coverage to cover for any emergency or illnesses. Here are important points that you should keep in mind when choosing health insurance for the elderly.

  • Understand the medical history of the senior. This will help you know any possibility of the occurrence of any chronic illnesses. You should work with an expert to understand their medical history and provide the details to the health insurance provider.
  • Compare different health insurance providers that have packages for senior citizens. The comparison will help you to get the best plan possible that will give the elderly a maximum health cover benefit. Factors to consider when comparing different plans are the exclusions and inclusions, coverage, and price.
  • Get the correct details of the senior to fill for the insurance policy. Giving incorrect details will cause a problem when making claims.
  • Carry out a pre-medical check-up because the insurance company will need it. The tests needed will include a urine test, blood test, liver and kidney functionality test, sugar test, and any other test the insurance company will need.

Other Factors to Consider

  • Co-payment. Co-payment is the amount the insured will pay from his pocket money for every claim made. The co-payment rate is usually low because the insurance is to give the elderly rest and a comfortable plan.
  • The percentage of the expenses covered. Find out in-patient and outpatient cover. Get to know how much the cover will take care of the ICU charges and daycare treatments. All these factors should be included in the insurance policy.
  • Waiting period before the coverage can elapse. The waiting period is affected by existing health conditions.
  • No claim bonus percentage. An insurance policy with a no claim bonus percentage is an added advantage.
  • Understand the reimbursement claim process. Find out how long it will take for the company to process a reimbursement claim process to avoid surprises. Some take a short time while others take several days.
  • There are exclusions of health insurance for self-resulted injuries, transmitted diseases such as AIDs, infertility treatment, and cosmetic surgeries. Understand the exclusions to avoid complications when claiming for payments.

Senior citizen health insurance has great benefits and it is something that you should consider. It gives you peace of mind and minimizes the cost of medical treatment. Get referrals from friends and family.

Get one today from health insurance around you. 

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